Amanda Day

What I Wish My Boss Knew About Grants
Episode 10

What I Wish My Boss Knew About Grants

What do you do when the person you report to has no idea how the grant world works? It happens more than you think, and it can be frustrating for both parties! Today we're covering all the things we wish our boss knew about grants and sharing some tips on how to...

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Introverts & Extroverts & Learning from Each Other
Episode 9

Introverts & Extroverts & Learning from Each Other

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What about your colleagues? How you operate in the world, interact with your co-workers, find your strength, and recharge will vary, depending on which side of the coin you are. Our cohosts, an introvert and extrovert, share how...

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Leadership Isn’t Perfection
Episode 8

Leadership Isn’t Perfection

Nonprofit leadership is not for the faint of heart. Our work is messy, imperfect, inspiring, engaging, and everything in between. So how do we lead well, while acknowledging our faults and flaws? Join our conversation with Julie Boll, Certified Dare to Lead...

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