If you are new to the world of grants or have been figuring it out on your own for years, the Grants Lab is for you. Together, Amanda and Kimberly have over 50 years of grant seeking and management experience. They’ve taught more than 20,000 people from nonprofits, local governments, higher education, K-12 school systems, and more. They will build your organization’s capacity for sustainable and strategic success with grants.
In the Grants Lab, you will work with small cohorts (maximum of ten agencies) to develop winning strategies and systems through a series of training sessions, coaching calls, interactive writing exercises, and more. Tailored feedback and a built-in learning community set the Grants Lab apart from other single session trainings and webinars.
Hands-on writing exercises, with personalized feedback, will mean you complete the Grants Lab with a working template to streamline your grant-seeking process.
Join the waitlist for upcoming cohort dates, scheduling, and more, or register for our next cohort now.